
Updated: September 2021


76. Suspect Bowling Action

An umpire, or a member of a club committee, may report a bowler deemed to have a suspect bowling action by email to the SMCA Administrator.

The SMCA Administrator shall, as soon a possible, arrange for a person authorised by the SMCA Executive to observe the bowler in question. Upon this review the observer shall report back to the SMCA Administrator. Should this report confirm the bowler appears to have a suspect action the SMCA Administrator shall advise the bowlers Club that the bowler in question has been banned from bowling in any match until remedial action is undertaken.

A person approved by the SMCA Executive may undertake remedial action. The bowler or his Club shall pay all costs.

A banned bowler shall only be allowed to again bowl in a match after the approved person reports to the SMCA Administrator that the remedial action has been successful. The SMCA Administrator shall then advise the bowlers club that the ban has been withdrawn and the bowler is again able to bowl in a match.