May 2022

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest are called for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Administrator and Umpires Advisor.  Expressions of interest for these positions are to be submitted to the Secretary by Friday 10 June 2022. The roles and responsibilities of these positions are outlined in the SMCA Constitution which can be found on the SMCA website.

SMCA Annual General Meeting - Monday 27 June 2022

The SMCA Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 27 June 2022 at John Connell Reserve, Leeming.  The meeting will commence at 7pm.  All clubs are required to be represented or risk a fine.   The purpose of the meeting is to elect and ratify Office Bearers and Committee Members of the SMCA Committee and approve the financial statement for season 21/22 and the budget for season 22/23.


Download minutes of the SMCA Executive meeting held 23rd May.

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