SMCA Notices
August 2024

CricketWest Forum

CricketWest Forum, Wednesday 11th September- 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Boundary Room - WACA Ground.

Umpires Wanted

Anyone with a passion and knowledge of the game of cricket, and if you are over 16 years of age, men or women, then we are interested in providing you some extra money every Saturday afternoon over the summer months.

Training will be provided, and this will allow you to join our Umpires Association

For enquiries please contact our Umpires Advisor Norm Harris on 0433 505 900 or email

Vale Rodney Felder

The SMCA acknowledges the passing of our Life Member Rodney Felder. Rodney served as Registrar for the Fremantle and Districts Mercantile Cricket Association for several years. Our condolences to his family and friends.