SMCA Notices

Qualification For End of Season Finals

See notice to clubs 24th February

Two day Grades - By Law 41 applies - (must be named in the team 11 in at least six (6) days of fixtured matches). Changed to 5 days

One Day Grades - A player must be named in the team 11 in at least five (5) (Changed to 4) of the fixture matches with his club to be eligible for finals.  The only exception to this is ODE, ODG and ODH where the qualification is four (4) (Changed to 3) playing days due to a Bye being introduced in the season with Bylaw As Per By-Law 41a(i), If a Club has three or more teams, then the qualification requirement for their lowest team is reduced from 3 days to 2, as long as they have played in no other Grade during the season.

T20 and F15 matches do not count as qualification matches and being named as a 12th also does not count as a qualification match. Being named when a team has a bye or if they forfeit the match do not count.

Round 14 Fixtures for Two Day Grades for 21/22 Played Over One Day

Download Rules For Play in Two-Day Grades played on One Day

Cricket Laws Training

WA Cricket is running a Laws Course for Cricket Umpires through July and into early August.

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AGM Minutes

Download minutes of the AGM held on 27th June 2022

10 Team One-Day Grades

At the Executive Meeting held on 25th July it was decided that to overcome the issue of teams playing each other an uneven number of times in the one-day grades as many one-day grades as possible will be made up of 10 teams. Further, a top six and a three week finals series as per By-Law 21b starting on the last week of qualifying matches in the two-day grades (4th March) will be implemented.

On Line Scoring

The SMCA Executive has made the following change to By-Law 13d in relation to online scoring.

By-Law 13d: Online scoring is permitted. Only one user can score online for each match. The team not providing the scoring device must score using a scorebook as a backup in case of technology failure. Both teams must continue to score online using only the device with which scoring commenced.

SMCA Life Membership

At the SMCA Executive meeting held on 25th July Ian Hale, Graeme Ashley and Gary Hartman were appointed to the Life Membership Committee.

This Committee now seeks nominations for Life Membership to the Association. Life Membership is covered in Clause 8 (2) of the SMCA Constitition. Nominations for Life Membership must be forwarded be email to the Association Secretary by the 31st of December. The nomination must cover the criteria covered in Clause 8 (2) of the SMCA Constitution.

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Updated Draft Playing Dates 22-23

Download the updated draft playing dates for the coming 22-23 season.

Executive Meeting – 25th July 2022

Download minutes of the Executive Meeting on 25th July 2022

Agenda - General Meeting 29th August

Download Agenda for the General Meeting to be held at Leeming on 29th August 2022.