SMCA Notices

SMCA President

With the resignation of Paul Speering, the SMCA Executive has now endorsed Mark Rice to the position of President of the SMCA.

Reminder - Special General Meeting

A special general meeting will be held on Monday 9 January 2023 at 7pm at the Thornlie Cricket Club. All club Presidents are required to attend.

Player behaviour and umpire respect will be discussed.

Qualification for Mid Season Grand Finals.

By-Law 33: This rule is intended to apply to matches played in one-day fixtures only, including fixtures played in one-day only grades. A player must take part in at least four (4) days of fixtured one-day matches, including one-day only grades with his club to be eligible for mid-season one-day finals

For the 2022-23 season, any one-day matches played after 18 December 2022 will not be added to a player’s qualification for the mid season one-day final. The exception being Seventh Grade where the cut off is 21 January 2023.

Player Behaviour

At our recent Special General Meeting, we unanimously agreed that we would all be drawing a 'Line in the Sand' to curb the recent decline in player behaviour and increase player respect towards our umpires.

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ODE- Forrestdale have forfeited their match against Piara Waters


ODE- Forrestdale have forfeited their match against East Fremantle
ODF - Kelmscott have forfeited their match against Thornlie

Change to fixtures ODE

At the SMCA Executive meeting held on 30 January 2023 the Executive decided to remove Forrestdale from the ODE grade. This is in accordance with By-Law 12c. As there was a bye in the grade the team previously with the bye will now play the team who were scheduled to play Forrestdale. The fixtures have been amended on MyCricket.

Team Lists

A number of clubs have recently been fined and lost points for failing to provide a team list in acordance with By-Law 7a. Please ensure all captains are aware of this By-Law. Evidence provided to the SMCA of non compliance will result in the penalty as provided in the By-Law.

7a. Both teams shall be responsible for submitting a team list, using My Cricket, before the commencement of the match. The following criteria applies:

(1) Player ID -Team sheets/lists for each match are to contain the player’s MyCricket ID Number, their full first name and full surname ie 107567 John Smith.

(2) The 11 players must be listed in the scoresheet for the match; this includes 11A and 11B players.

(3) Failure to meet these requirements will result in the match being forfeited and incur a fine of $50.00 per offending team for a first offence doubling to $100 for subsequent offences.

By-Law 13a removed

At the meeting held on 30 January 2023 the SMCA Executive voted to removed By-Law 13a as it may have conflicted with By-Law 7a.  The By-Laws on this web site and the downloadable version have been updated.

SMCA Windup

SMCA Windup - Tuesday14th March at Kardinya Lakes Clubrooms 6.30pm start.

The Executive would like to invite as many SMCA Life Members as possible to the Windup. Clubs are requested to pass on contact details of any Association Life Members that they are aware of. Please pass on the details to the SMCA Secretary.